Friday, 29 July 2016

Te Hapua

Today we have been learning about 3D printing and we made a slide here is a link to my slide.Te Hapua 3D printing

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

My CARE Progress

I have done a check of my CARE progress so far this year.

I feel I could do much better.

Give reasons for the answer that you have highlighted above. Because i rearly record my ticks.

How far away are you from reaching your BRONZE/SILVER? half way to achieveing my bronze.

The area of CARE that I need to try harder in is C / A / R / E ( Highlight the ones that apply to you and give reasons why you have highlighted them.) Because i dont have many ticks in this area.

To achieve my BRONZE/SILVER award quicker I need to record my ticks.

The one thing that I can do to improve my progress in CARE is to record my ticks.

We will review CARE progress again at the end of the term.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016


I can describe the characteristics of music from songs of a different time and place

Over the past 7 weeks I have been learning to describe the characteristics of music from songs of a different time and place

I can describe these characteristics in a piece of music
form is the way a song is put togethr
timbra the character or quality of a musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch and intensity
rythem a strong repetd sound
harmony is a heap of notes put together
melody is multiple voices or sound s put together

Here is an example of my learning
this is a link to my learnig.